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About Us: About

We Draw On Nature’s Best Kept Secrets to Care For Your Health

Our founder Richard Yeck, an Inventor and the Founder of GoodAire® Pte Ltd since 2003.

The company was born out of an inspiration to improve the suffering conditions of humanity when epidemics and pandemics strike. Life of GoodAire®  began in 2003 when he had a brainwave when he once saw an airline stewardess spraying the cabin with an air freshener.

Since then, GoodAire®  has made great inroads in ground-breaking and revolutionary products that act as deterrents to the spread of various germs, bacteria, and viruses that cause illnesses to mankind. 

Richard Yeck is the brains behind GoodAire®  that researches and develops and evolves his products to create a better environment making them clean from the spread of viruses’ bacteria and germs. The main thrust and underlying principles in the production of these products are to ensure a clean free from pollution and contaminants environment.

The first generation GoodAire®  Air Revitalizer was propelled by the overwhelming market response to the product. It was a phenomenal success when it was launched during the SARs period in 2003. By cleansing and disinfecting the air, this product effectively removed germs and other impurities in the environment. 

After the initial success with the first generation of the Air Revitalizer, GoodAire®  encountered various setbacks in the years after. Nevertheless, GoodAire®  plodded on to continue with innovating new products and solutions and had focus tremendously on R&D.




“Our mission is quite simply to provide clean air and a safe home environment for families to enjoy and thrive – especially those with elderly parents or young children in their homes. The best part about our products is that they are all-natural. We draw on nature’s best resources – water and essential oils – to resolve the growing threats of mosquito and mosquito-related diseases as well as polluted air."

Richard Yeck, Founder GoodAire Pte Ltd.

At GoodAire® DrysanZ, we are committed to continuous air purification, sanitization, and odor elimination, providing proactive solutions to improve air quality in any environment.

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GoodAire and DrySanz are trademarked names by GoodAire Pte Ltd

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